- Rule of Thumb: If you're unsure about the copyright status of any material (images, quotes, lyrics, etc.), don't use it in your design. It's always better to play it safe!
- Public domain exceptions: Very old phrases or quotes (for example, a Benjamin Franklin quote) may be safe, as long as you clearly credit the original source.
- Song lyrics: Generally, you cannot use them without explicit permission from the copyright holder, even if you cite the source.
- Trademarks, logos, and copyrighted material: Avoid these entirely in your submissions. Unfortunately, we cannot offer individual advice on whether a specific design is acceptable.
- Do your research: Check available resources on public domain, copyrights, trademarks, and patents before using any material you didn't create yourself in your design.
Check out our "Sound Advice for Ensuring Your Work is Original" article for more tips.
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