Artists submit work to a Minted Challenge during the Submission Period. Once the Submission Period closes, the Challenge moves to the Critique Period during which you can give and receive feedback with fellow Minted artists and edit your work. Once the Critique Period ends, voting begins.
During the Voting Period, Minted artists and customers cast their votes on Challenge submissions, and because our business model is a meritocracy, the best art and design rises to the top. Top-ranked winners are determined solely by votes. Additionally, Minted's Editorial Council reviews all submissions and voting data and considers further factors such as diversity of style, risk-taking, gaps in the current assortment to help select Editors’ Picks. Learn more about our winner announcements.
Anyone logged into a Minted account can vote. If you don’t already have one, create a Minted account now.
You can vote in our blind voting module.
View one submission at a time at or click on the “Vote” link at the top left-hand side of the homepage.
Select 1–5 from the rating scale to the right of each submission, with 1 being the lowest score and 5 being the highest. To help strip bias, this voting module is entirely blind. This means we do not display the name of the artist who created each submission. We also display submissions in a random order, and our system surfaces submissions in a way that ensures each submission receives enough votes from our broad community of consumers and artists.
We encourage everyone who votes in a Minted Challenge to vote on a variety of designs, but know that the number of submissions can be high. To ensure designs receive enough votes and that we can perform comprehensive voting analysis, there is a minimum threshold for the number of votes all submissions must receive before we close the Voting Period for a Challenge.
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