Welcome to our Weekly Updates and Challenge Calendar!
We update this page and send out a Weekly Digest by email each Monday with anything you may have missed on our Minted Artist Community Slack each week.
Note: the dates below refer to the week starting on the Monday. For example, if a challenge shows it is opening 8/20, that means it is opening sometime during the week of August 20. The week numbers at the top correspond with what week of the year it is.
Key takeaways for the week of February 3, 2025:
- We will be sharing a recording of our Online Invitations education call shortly!
- No other updates or changes this week!
Detailed Challenge Tracker: Click to Enlarge!
- This detailed view updates daily and includes file request status, payments, and more. We will continue to update this page weekly and send out a weekly digest email, but you can check this detailed view daily for the most updated information at any time.
- More information on the Detailed Challenge Tracker
Launch Updates for the week of February 3, 2025
2025 Challenges - Tentative Calendar
Please use this calendar for general planning purposes. Exact dates and challenges are subject to change.
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
More information on the Detailed Challenge View
Every week, we share a weekly update with a new 12-week calendar view as well as our launch updates. However, we wanted to find a way to share more details about our challenge process so you can have as much information as possible at your fingertips!
We have created a more detailed challenge tracker here (click to enlarge when you’re viewing). This tracker updates daily, so every time you click into this page you can be sure it’s as up-to-the minute as possible. We will continue to share the updated calendar view every week for a more macro view of our challenge timelines, and we will keep this challenge tracker pinned at the top of the Weekly Updates page as well as in this channel.
Please note: upcoming challenges and product activation dates are all subject to change. Please continue to use any forward-looking dates in this tracker for planning purposes only. When we make changes, we will note them in our regular Weekly Update.
Some highlights about this new tracker! You can now see:
- What challenges have early or final file requests in progress
- When Top-Rated and Editors’ Picks were announced and when payments have gone out
- When Special Prizes were announced and when their payments went out
- The estimated dates of upcoming challenges (all dates and challenges subject to change)
- And more!
Note: we use weeks of the year rather than exact dates for many of the future challenges (ie: we are currently in week 6). If you want to calculate how the week of the year corresponds to approximate dates, you can calculate them here.
If you have any questions about this detailed challenge tracker view, please let us know! We hope this is helpful if you ever have any questions about the status of a challenge, including payments and early file requests.
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