As part of an upcoming feature on, wedding customers will be able to toggle between greetings, similar to selecting between Holiday greetings (e.g. “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year”). Instead of each greeting varying by theme, alternate greetings for wedding will vary based on the hosts of the wedding (e.g. when parents invite guests on behalf of the couple or when the bride and groom host the event themselves).
Note: We will only be launching this feature on our standard A7 or SQ6 invitations. Please do not include these on any All-in-One designs. Additionally, Letterpress wedding invitation designs are not eligible for alternate greetings at this time.
Types of Alternate Greetings
Couple inviting
i.e. kindly join us, or you are invited to the wedding of...., you are invited to the union of.... -
One set of parents hosting
i.e. mr. and mrs. williams request the pleasure of your company at the wedding of their daughter.....or mr. and mrs. david bronson joyfully invite you to the wedding of..... -
Both parents hosting (bride's and groom's)
i.e. mr and mrs. harold schultz along with mr. and mrs. hugo page request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their children..... -
Parents and couple hosting
i.e. together with our families....together with their parents
Couple inviting | One set of parents hosting (bride's parents) |
With open hearts
[Bride's parents' names] [Bride's parents' names] [Bride's parents' names]
Both parents hosting (bride's and groom's) | Parents and couple hosting |
[Bride's parents' names] [Bride's parents' names]
Together with their families
Together with their families Together with their families |
File Setup
In your templates, you’ll notice an alternate greetings layer with sub-layers for each type of intro. Within each intro sub-layer, there will be 2 more sub-layers for text and movable elements. Please note that alternate greetings are only incorporated on the front of your invitation, and should not be added to any suite accessories.
Text sub-layer: should be used for text that can be edited by a customer. Only editable textboxes should be placed on this sub-layer.
Movable sub-layer: should be used for any elements that are not editable. Outlined glyphs, handlettered elements, or artwork that a customer could move should be placed on this sub-layer.
In this example, you'll notice that almost all of the editable text is placed in the "text" sublayer that goes with the corresponding greeting. The linear dividers are in the "movable" sublayer because they are non-customizable elements a customer will be able to move. Since the "W" monogram does not move in placement across all greetings, it remains in the main "text" layer.
Note: Since it’s very likely that placement of many text & design elements will need to change across intros, you may end up having most elements in your files in the alternate greeting layers. For example, if the placement of the date & time needs to change for each greeting, please duplicate it and include it in each “text” sublayer in your templates.
Please ensure foil elements do not change across greetings. We only create one foil plate per design, and placement of foil elements cannot change.
While we prefer that artists include options for all intros if possible, we realize there may be instances where some intros do not work with specific designs. In these cases, feel free to leave these specific intro layers blank.
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