Clipping masks are a great tool in Illustrator that allow a photo or texture to be cropped down to another size or shape. We require all foil elements and photos to be placed in clipping masks in order to properly work in our customizer. Follow steps below to properly set up clipping masks for foil elements and customizable photos.
Customizable photos should be placed in a single clipping mask. Place a single rectangle the size of your photo shape on top of your photo, and go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make to crop to your desired photo size. Make sure to place this Clip Group on the photo layer when done so it works properly in our customizer.
In order to create foil dies correctly, foil elements need to be set up in one compound path using one clipping mask. Follow the steps below to set up foil elements properly in your files.
1. Expand design elements
All foil elements should be fill-only (no strokes applied). If foil elements include strokes, expand appearance to convert them to fill-only (Object > Expand).
2. Make a compound path
Combine multiple design elements into one compound path by using theCompound Path function in the Object menu (Object > Compound Path > Make).
3. Create foil clip group
Use this compound path as your clipping mask by placing the compound path above a Minted foil texture (Select compound path and foil texture > Object > Clipping Mask > Make). Place this on the FOIL layer in your templates when done.
*NOTE: Remember to embed and rasterize your photo(s) and foil textures down to 300 ppi in order to reduce file size as much as possible.
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