Alternate Greetings allow a winning holiday design to be offered in a variety of different categories, appealing to a wider range of Minted customers. See below for more information on alternate greeting types and how to set this up in your files.
Throughout our holiday assortment on site, customers are able to toggle between greetings to find their preferred version of each design. We currently offer 4 different alternate greeting types:
Holiday, Christmas, New Year, and Religious.
Holiday: Holiday secular greetings. This includes phrases from popular Christmas songs that are not religious but are secular or festive (ok: "Deck the Halls", not ok: "Joy to the World").
Christmas: Different ways to say Merry Christmas! Anything that explicitly says Merry Christmas, "Merry", refers to Santa Claus, or alludes to Christmas without being overly religious. This includes phrases from popular songs that refer to Christ, God, or Christmas.
New Year: Secular New Year greetings.
Religious: Religious Christian holiday greetings - phrases that communicate a reference to Christ, God, faith in God, praying or blessings. Generally these sayings convey a stronger spirituality than the "Merry Christmas" greetings. This includes biblical verses.
*Note: We can only accommodate alternate greetings on the front of the card. Please do not include alternate greetings on any accessory items.
Highly encouraged in order to allow your design to appeal to more minted customers, but not required. We understand it is timely to create these additional greetings by hand, but if it works with your design and you are willing to create these additional elements we would love for you to include them.
The following are examples of greetings by category, feel free to use as inspiration when creating alternate greetings.
Holiday | Christmas |
Happy Holidays |
Merry Christmas |
New Years | Religious |
Happy New Year |
Rejoice Wonders of His Love Heaven & Nature Sing Blessings Counting Our Blessings Joy to the World, the Lord Has Come Faith, Hope, Love Glory to God So blessed Blessings Abound Faith, Love, & Family Believe |
The difference between “general Christmas” and “religious Christmas” greetings in the Minted assortment: greetings with references to God, Christ, Faith, blessings, prayers, or that include strong spiritual sentiments or religious scripture are all considered “religious.” Additionally, design elements like mangers or crosses also make a design religious.
NOTE: Not all designs may be eligible for all 4 alternate greetings. For example, if your design includes religious imagery (like angels or a manger scene), please do not include alternate greetings in your files for Holiday or New Year.
- In your templates, you will notice 4 sub-layers within the "alternate greetings" layer: christmas greeting, holiday greeting, new year greeting, and religious greeting.
- If your winning submission can be translated into an alternate version, please provide the alternate greeting(s)elements on the appropriate layer.
- If your greeting is customizable text, place this in the text layer within the appropriate alternate greeting.
- If your greeting is non-custom outlined or handlettered, place this in the movable layer within the appropriate greeting.
- While working, you may hide the greetings to ensure placement is consistent between the greetings. However, all greetings must be visible and unlocked when submitting files.
NOTE: If you are creating multiple alternate greetings for your design, please move your default greeting (used in your winning submission) to be the topmost layer within the alternate greetings layer. In the example above, the christmas greeting will be the default greeting shown on site.
Within each alternate greeting type, we have two subsections; text and movable.
text: If your greeting can be set as customizable text (i.e. if the font used is a Minted Font and does not include glyphs or alternating colors), place this on the text sublayer. This will allow a customer to change this text if they choose to.
movable: If your greeting cannot be customized (i.e. it is handlettering, uses glyphs, or has alternating letter colors), place this on the movable sublayer. A customer will not be able to change this text.
If your design is foil-pressed or letterpressed, it is possible that the alternate greeting in your design is also the foil-pressed or letterpressed element. In order to maintain proper filtering on our site however, we require an element on one of the alternate greeting layers.
In these cases, please place a different customizable element in your design on the alternate greeting layer your foil or letterpress greeting corresponds to.
For example, if a design uses "joy" as the foil-pressed element and also serves as the alternate greeting, you would place the customizable family name in the "holiday text" layer within your templates.
If your design is foil-pressed but the foil element is not what would be considered an alternate greeting (i.e. if you have foil dots or star illustrations for example), proceed with alternate greetings as you would for non-foil elements.
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